Providing health care to the diverse people of the Toledo district in Southern Belize

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Makeshift Medicine

Ok. Yes, I am still somewhat addicted to Diet Coke.  It is a bit more expensive and more difficult to get here and we are trying to live frugally but I still like to drink one in the morning if we have one.  And now I have justification....

We were in the village of Na Luum Ca today and had a mother bring in her 2 year old twins.  They were born prematurely and are quite small for their age and both had recently developed respiratory infections.  Mom had walked with them from another village for them to be seen.

Both girls did have viral upper respiratory infections but one was quite tight and wheezing.  We gave her a couple of treatments of nebulized albuterol using the Land Cruiser to power the machine and knew that she would need albuterol treatments over the next couple of days.  We had inhalers with us but we don't really have spacers.  Here is where the Coke bottle came handy.

I do have to confess that it was originally Bill's idea last week that I just worked on perfecting.  A Coke bottle with either end cut off and then foam tape secured with more durable sport tape to make a soft mask and help seal the other end around the inhaler.  It seemed to work.

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