Providing health care to the diverse people of the Toledo district in Southern Belize

Monday, April 15, 2013

Brush, Brush, Brush Your Teeth

For those of you who collected and donated toothbrushes and toothpaste for us, thank you!  I want to show you what we are doing with them.  We have been working on distributing these to the children of the Toledo district.  We do this through our dental education and fluoride treatment program.  For most children, this is the only toothbrush they get for the year as well as any dental care.  We go into the schools and starting with the youngest grades, give them a toothbrush and teach them to brush their teeth.  They do this all together while we sing the song, " Brush, Brush, Brush Your Teeth Each and Everyday."

In the youngest grades, Infant 1 and 2, we then apply fluoride varnish to their teeth.  A lot of the children get really excited about getting the toothbrush.  One boy came up to me last week and asked me if it was ok if he hid his toothbrush at home.  He was worried that his mother or older brothers would take it from him because they did not have any toothbrush either.  I will never forget my first overnight trip into a distant village last year.  Three boys approached me and asked me for toothbrushes and "Colgate."  Most American kids I know would be looking for the sticker or treat, not a toothbrush and toothpaste.

Dental needs continue to be one of the most pressing problems in southern Belize.  There is still only one Belizean Ministry of Health dentist serving the entire Toledo district.  He is only able to provide extractions unless a patient can afford to pay for more, which is uncommon.  Hillside has not traditionally provided dental services but we have been brainstorming and recruiting to try and meet this need.  We have had some interest recently from a dentist who is interesting in volunteering with us for ten to twelve months starting this August but is still working on the finances of it.

So keep the toothbrushes, toothpaste and fluoride varnish coming.  We can use each and every one and they do make a difference.

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